Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Day After

As usual the day after my Rebif injection I am an achy mess!  However, after popping Tramadol and sleeping most of the day I woke up feeling refreshed.  I decided I would take advantage of this rare burst of energy and cook a Sunday dinner on Thursday.  I'm talking about turkey wings with rice, collards, candied yams and corn bread!  Good eats, right?

Right.....but now I'm too exhausted to eat.  Gonna pour myself a glass of Riesling and enjoy my young man's surprised face when he gets home.  After eating at the campus cafe all year, his appreciation of a home cooked meal is pure joy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm Back!

So many things have transpired since I last posted, but I'm baaaaaaack!  My recent MS flare landed me in the hospital, barely able to walk.  Took me a while to get back on my feet, but during that time I did a lot of reflecting.  I concluded I was not being true to me.  I have much to be grateful for.  God saves me and keeps bringing me back just as strong and it's not for me to live someone else's life.  I have to be true to me and engage in what brings me peace and happiness.

So with that said........I vow to not take any of it for granted, while MAKING IT ALL JOY!